Wildlife Events

Wild Gardens launch

20th February 2019 7.30pm
Bumble Bees – Adrian Doble
Past Wildlife Events
Wild Gardens launch on Wednesday March 13th at 7.30
Bumble Bees - Adrian Doble on Wed February 20th 2019 at 7.30
Make your own Bird Box - Sat Jan 19th 2019 10am -12noon
Insect talk - 7 November 2018
Veteran Tree talk 27 Sept 2018
Bat talk 21 August 2018
Know your Dragons and Damsels - Wednesday May 2nd 2018 at 7.30
Most people will be familiar with at least some of the birds and butterflies that flit around our gardens and countryside. But equally dramatic is a family of metallic-like insects which many will admit to knowing little about – our dragonflies and damselflies. Yet they are a fairly varied group of creatures, with a specific window of opportunity to find them, between May and October. Brian Clews’ talk will look at the lifestyles and behaviour of these fascinating insects and lay the foundation for potential survey work of a couple of the scarcer species which are known to inhabit the waterways around the Cookhams.
Come and get Wild about Gardens - Thursday April 12th 2018
Cookham’s Wild About Gardens Awards was launched in April. The aim of the Awards is to help people value the contribution of wildlife in their gardens – and to do that across our whole community. It’s a pilot for a Borough-wide initiative so it’s Cookham’s chance to lead the way!
Giving the scheme its initial boost at this meeting was Hilary Phillips, Living Landscapes Community Engagement Manager with Bucks, Bucks and Oxon Wildlife Trust (BBOWT). She gave tips on how to create a garden that welcomes wildlife and touched on some of the things that we can do across Cookham to promote biodiversity. There was interest for everyone, whether or not you are participating in the Awards. Plus there were other experts on hand and all the information you need about the Awards to allow you to put your garden forward for a Gold, Silver or Bronze Award.
No charge for attending but donations welcome
Swan Upping and the Swans of the Thames - Sat Feb 17th 2018
Build your own bird nesting box - Sat Jan 20th 2018
Bat Talk and Walk - Wednesday 23 August at 7.30
Making bug boxes - Sunday April 9th at 11.30

Our local butterflies - Monday March 20th